One Solid Way To Test Repaired Kollmorgen Servostar Series Equipment

This Kollmorgen Servostar Test Stand was designed by one of our engineers here at Global Electronic Services, Inc to fully function and load test several different series of Kollmorgen Servostar Drives and Amplifiers as well as Kollmorgen Servo Motors.


  • Kollmorgen Servostar 600 Amplifier is a fully digital drive amplifier designed with no “programing language” for easy to configure motion control that would usually require a fully programmable drive. You can findkollmorgen2 them in many applications, from robots to glass processing, across many different industries.
  • Kollmorgen Servostar 300 Series Digital Servo Drive is made compact to save space and is easy to use. It has a large range of connectivity so that it can reduce the number of different types of drives used. The Servostar 300 series has a high speed current and has a type for all applications.
  • Kollmorgen Servostar CD Amplifier is fully digital and simple to use. The Servostar CD uses Pole Placement, PI and PDFF control algorithms so that high performance can be achieved quickly.
  • Kollmorgen Goldline Series Servo Motor is a series that can be used across many different high response and point to point move applications. It has an interior permanent magnet design that is created to high power density and torque.


Using this test stand our technicians are able to plug and play different repaired Kollmorgen units in order to verify full load capability and full functionality. Please watch the video below to see a demonstration of this test stand.

Please share your comments or questions with us below and be sure to visit or call us at 1-877-249-1701 to learn more about our services. We’re proud to offer Surplus, Complete Repair and Maintenance on all types of Industrial Electronics, Servo Motors, AC and DC Motors, Hydraulics and Pneumatics. Please subscribe to our YouTube page and Like Us on Facebook! Thank you!


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