Feedback Encoder Modules

Servo motors and similar kinds of machinery need data about position, velocity and direction. This information comes from feedback encoders — devices connected to the machine and built to take these measurements. Feedback encoders have technologically advanced capabilities to provide whatever data is necessary.

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What Is a Feedback Encoder?

A feedback encoder is a device that provides feedback by converting motion into a signal to be read by another device. This device will use this information to control an event. Using a feedback encoder increases efficiency and accuracy for many processes.

There are a few different kinds of feedback encoders and signal formats, yet the most popular is the optical incremental encoder. These devices can provide two output types — single-channel and quadrature. Single-channel is used for systems with only one direction of rotation and that need simple data on position and velocity. Quadrature uses dual channels to determine rotation and is best in highly complex applications.

Feedback Encoder Applications

Feedback encoders are common in the automation industry because they allow for high system performance. Automated processes vary in their requirements, and feedback encoders vary in their capabilities, so there is a system tailored to every need.

Other feedback encoder applications include:

  • – Packaging
  • – Sorting
  • – Imaging
  • – Conveying
  • – Filling
  • – Robotics
  • – Plotters
  • – Cut to length


For these uses, the feedback encoder may measure material length, container volume, robotic motion and more.

Common Problems and Questions About Feedback Encoders

Encoder resolution refers to the amount of measuring units within one revolution of the encoder shaft. Though feedback encoders are available with high encoder resolutions, they are not necessarily more accurate. High resolutions will not offset any system error that exists, which may lead to confusing readings.

There are many causes of inaccurate data from feedback encoders, including:

  • Flaws from the manufacturing process: A small variation in the line width or disc centering may be enough to lead to an incorrect pulse timing.
  • External errors from the equipment or machine: Any flaw on the machine, like flexible couplings or suspension cables growing and shrinking with temperature changes, can lead to wrong readings.


Why Buy Feedback Encoders From Global Electronic Services?

Global Electronic Services is the place to go if your company needs a feedback encoder or other device. We have thousands of new, surplus, used and obsolete equipment options to choose from.

We also perform repairs and other services on industrial electronic parts. If your feedback encoder malfunctions, send it to us and our team of factory-trained technicians will examine and test your device to locate the issue. Our facility has thousands of parts in stock for immediate repairs. Our average turnaround time is one to five days.

Order Your Feedback Encoder Online Today

Global Electronic Services has many feedback encoder options for your facility’s machinery. Browse this page today to see all of our available offerings. If you have any questions about feedback encoders or you would like more information about our products, call our customer service team at 877-249-1701.

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