How to Reduce Hydraulic System Noise

Hydraulic systems can be extremely useful in a lot of machine solutions, but they can also be extremely loud. Any industrial location with active machines will make some noise, but when the noise rises to a certain level, it can be a problem. Systems that are too loud can cause headaches, hearing loss and elevated stress — and the noise may make it difficult for your workers to focus on what they are doing.

For this reason and others, it can be very useful to your operation for you to know how to reduce hydraulic system noise. While each situation is a little bit different, here are some tips and guidelines for noise control in hydraulic systems.

While it is impossible to completely eliminate hydraulic system noise, quality noise control in hydraulic systems is definitely possible. It starts with understanding the source of hydraulic system noise. Once you know where the noise is coming from, you are in a much better position to control it. While hydraulic noise originates from the pump, the power unit is the greatest contributor to hydraulic system noise.

Pressure fluctuations and vibrations of the various components of the system can amplify hydraulic noise as well. Each part of the hydraulic system has a potential noise control solution.

Electric Motor

You’ve probably noticed that everything with an electric motor makes some noise. In many cases, very loud noise. A hydraulic system is no different. The movement of the fan, the vibrating of the bearings and the rotor and stator assembly all translate into what can be some very grating noise.

One step you can take is to make sure your electric motor’s fan rotates in only one direction, as this results in a less noisy motor and does not really affect the cooling properties of the fan. You can also reduce noise by switching from an 1800 rpm motor to a 1200 rpm motor, although this will require you purchasing a larger and more expensive motor.

Hydraulic Motor

Hydraulic motors and other actuators can be some of the noisiest components of the system. A few tricks for keeping the hydraulic motor quiet include using very long tubing with a hose assembly at both ends and using a mesh screen set 30 degrees form horizontal.


Bearings, pistons, gears and the many other components of the pump can all combine to make a lot of noise, especially when you join the pump to the loud electric motor. Submerging the entire motor-pump assembly in oil or some other liquid can create a barrier that significantly dampens the sound of the system. You can also make the pump quieter by running it at a lower speed or using multiple small pumps instead of one or two large pumps.

Other Methods for Noise Control in Hydraulic Systems

One of the most important tools for reducing hydraulic system noise is the use of vibration-dampening mounts. You can mount the motor-pump assembly to a subframe with vibration-dampening mounts and you can mount the subframe to the power unit with vibration dampening mounts. Other industrial soundproofing materials wrapped around your hydraulic system can also be useful in reducing unwanted noise.

More Assistance With Learning How to Reduce Hydraulic System Noise

If you’re still struggling with the noise of your system, another solution can be to contact the manufacturer. The manufacturers of your components have likely encountered any problem you might have with their product before and can probably offer effective solutions for how to control noise that may be caused by their product.

If the manufacturer is of no help, you can always contact a local engineering lab. These labs often have hydraulic experts that are highly knowledgeable and may relish the chance to take a look at your system and come up with ways to make it quieter and more efficient.

It’s also possible that your hydraulic system is making so much noise because it is in need of repair. If you suspect this is the case, either because you are having other problems with the system or you are seeing other possible symptoms of a problem like heavy shaking or sounds that you have not heard before, it can pay to have a professional take a look.

You can call Global Electronic Services anytime to have a certified professional inspect your system and perform a fast, efficient repair if necessary. For an estimate on hydraulics repair, call 877-249-1701 or contact Global Electronic Services online today.

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