After Hours Emergency Repair

When the phone rings at 2:00AM and I am in the deepest of sleep, I jump to attention! I often joke to my coworkers that being on call reminds me of when my boys were babies. I would be sound asleep, then wide awake to take care of them. Getting up to exercise, yeah, that doesn’t happen, but I jump for my customers, we all do, knowing that manufacturing doesn’t stop is why we offer support no matter the time. Our responsibility is to keep manufacturers up and running. When a company can’t produce, they can’t make money and they often have to send their employees home. This is a great stress to those that are responsible for this equipment. We all have great pride in being able to support manufacturers.
I tell my sales team all the time how lucky we are to sell repair services. We aren’t selling diamonds to people who don’t need diamonds. We are selling a service that provides cost savings to our customers and keeps manufacturers running using the equipment they already have in place without replacing entire lines. At Global our 24/7 after hours emergency support is truly unique because of our availability. We answer the phones when others don’t.
Recently, a manufacturer lost production when a very large servo motor failed. It was around lunch time, but they were located 12 hours away. In a panic, our customer called us looking for solutions. The account manager explained the options. Our customer decided the quickest option would be to pull the motor and have a driver deliver the motor to be repaired. Our customer was losing thousands of dollars an hour. The on call servo motor technician was scheduled to receive the motor around 1:00AM and start repair. Around 3:00AM the motor was fully rebuilt, but the encoder was giving us troubles. We have the Mitchell Electronics system which allows us to properly align feedback devices, but the memory in the encoder had been depleted requiring us to replace it. Unfortunately, we had to order the encoder. Our on call parts specialist was able to locate the replacement and have the encoder shipped by delta dash so that we could receive the encoder within 6 hours. We finished the repair and sent the motor back to the customer. Once received, the customer installed the repaired motor only to discover they had additional problems…their drive was faulting out! Our customer, under so much pressure to get this machine back up and running called for tech support, within 15 minutes of us getting that call we were able to provide support that was needed on the drive. The technician was able to walk them through some setting adjustments in their drive and the customer’s production line was back up and running!
These type situations are frequent. Global Electronic Services has a true passion for serving our customers and providing support. Offering this service has truly allowed us to build very strong and long lasting relationships. We are proud that the support we provide has allowed us to be such a trusted partner in manufacturing solutions!
Please share your comments or questions with us below and be sure to visit or call us at 1-877-249-1701 to learn more about our repair services. We’re proud to offer Complete Repair and Maintenance on all types of Industrial Electronics, Servo Motors, AC and DC Motors, Hydraulics and Pneumatics. Please subscribe to our YouTube page, Like Us on Facebook! Thank you!