4 Ways to Boost On-Floor Productivity

A good manager of a manufacturing facility is always looking for ways to boost on-floor productivity. Industry moves fast in today’s global markets, and the more productivity you can get out of your workers, the better your organization will be able to compete in a challenging market. Here are a few ideas to implement if you’re looking for new ways to boost productivity on the floor.
1. Reassess Your Current Workflow
Your first approach should be to see if your current workflow set up is the most efficient design you can possibly have. Look at each segment of your workflow in turn:
• People
• Process
• Production procedures
Identify any area where you can tighten up. Perhaps a certain process has become unnecessary due to changes in the marketplace or can be replaced by a faster one that exists because of new technology. Maybe there are situations where two people are doing the job of one. If you can make it easier for your workers to be more productive through your workflow design, you should do so.
2. Provide Continuing Employee Education
New technology constantly finds ways to make all aspects of machining and manufacturing more efficient. Some of these technological advances can generate huge leaps in productivity, but only if your workers understand them. Having a continuing education employee program in place helps make sure not only is your business on top of the latest industry gains but your employees know the best ways to implement those advances moving forward.
3. Invest in New Equipment
Machines are designed to make manufacturing easier. You don’t necessarily need to update your machines every year, but if there is a new piece that can dramatically increase productivity, you owe it to your workers and yourself to invest in it. The best new equipment can very quickly pay for itself.
4. Don’t Forget Maintenance
Just as new equipment can boost productivity, equipment that isn’t working optimally can slow it down. Preventative maintenance can save you a tremendous amount of lost productivity, which is just as good as gaining productivity. You should have daily and weekly maintenance plans in place for your most important machines, if not all your machines, and arrange for professional maintenance a few times a year to ward off costly repairs and downtime.
Global Electronic Services has been providing expert maintenance and repair services for a wide range of electronics, from servo motors to pneumatics to AC and DC motors, for years. We complete repairs in five days or less, so you’ll enjoy a minimum of downtime with your broken machines. To schedule your maintenance or repair, just contact us online today.

Be sure to visit us online at gesrepair.com or call us at 1-877-249-1701 to learn more about our services. We’re proud to offer Surplus, Complete Repair and Maintenance on all types of Industrial Electronics, Servo Motors, AC and DC Motors, Hydraulics and Pneumatics. Please subscribe to our YouTube page and Like Us on Facebook! Thank you!

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