Preparing For The Cold

With August ending fall is just around the corner. With the climate still warm it may a little preemptive to start talking about winter weather but when it comes to failure prevention, it is never too early to start making plans. Here we get a jump start on preparing your facility for a cold snap and understanding some possible conditions that can cause unexpected downtime.

Trees Coming Down

The number one electrical failure we see in wintertime is the adverse weather conditions bringing down trees and causing blackouts. In fact, in the United Stated Wind, Ice and Snow are the most common causes of power outages nationwide. The best thing to have on hand to limit the damage an extended blackout can cause is a good generator that can handle at least some of the load of your production demands, or at the very least keep the lights on. But is your generator up to date with maintenance? When was the last time it was tested? The worst possible time to find out your generator does not work is during a blackout. Get it checked!

Cold Weather Affects Lubricant Viscosity

With so much focus on keeping machine parts cool, little thought is given to what happens when things get cold. When the temperature gets low, the overall viscosity of the lubricant within moving parts- such as bearings- will increase. This leads to the lubricant not being able to properly move through the part and thus cause wear to the machine. It is best to switch to a low temperature grease that is used during winter months if the machine is in a part of the facility that is outside or in an area that is not heated.

Water-Cooled Components

As any plumber can tell you one of the dangers of freezing temperatures is the chance of water pipes bursting. Ice expands as it forms which will crack the vessel it is in if it has no other place to go. IT is no different for water cooled electrical devices. It is important that the ambient temperature never gets to freezing around such equipment.

Be sure to visit us online at or call us at 1-877-249-1701 to learn more about our services. We’re proud to offer Surplus, Complete Repair and Maintenance on all types of Industrial Electronics, Servo Motors, AC and DC Motors, Hydraulics and Pneumatics. Please subscribe to our YouTube page and Like Us on Facebook! Thank you!

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