Is It Time To Invest in New Manufacturing Equipment?

Production equipment is the heart and soul of the value stream, responsible for turning raw materials into finished goods. To keep it working as intended, manufacturers must ensure routine maintenance and general care. But how long can this regimen suffice before a piece of equipment meets the end of its serviceable life? While the decision to invest in repairs vs. new equipment should be made on a case-by-case basis, there are key criteria to consider.

Physical factors

Manufacturers must assess the physical factors when deciding whether to upgrade their equipment. Gauge the following variables in the context of the situation and the equipment:

  • Equipment age and condition: If the equipment is old and remains in poor condition, it may be time for an upgrade. This is especially true if the equipment frequently breaks down or requires regular repairs.
  • Efficiency and productivity: If the equipment is not efficient or productive enough to meet production expectations, upgrading may be the best solution. Take into account factors such as inadequate capacity, outdated features, or limited function.
  • Quality and safety standards: If the equipment does not meet the latest quality and safety standards, it likely should be upgraded to comply with regulations.

Financial factors

Manufacturers should also consider the financial factors when determining whether to upgrade their equipment, including the following:

  • Cost of repairs and maintenance: If the cost of repairs and maintenance for the current equipment becomes too high, it may be more cost-effective to upgrade to new equipment.
  • Return on investment (ROI): Calculate the ROI of any equipment upgrade to ensure the investment is worthwhile and will generate a positive return for the business.
  • Impact on operations: Determine whether you can sustain the desired level of output and performance from the current equipment, or if new equipment would yield better results.

Strategic factors

To help make the best decision, manufacturers should delve deeper into both options of repairing and replacing the equipment. Ask key questions, such as:

  • What are your needs and goals for the equipment?
  • What options and prices are available for both repairing and replacing the equipment?
  • What is the timeline for both options?
  • Are there any incentives (financial or otherwise)?

Weigh all the factors

There is no clear-cut answer for repairing vs. replacing your equipment. By carefully considering the factors above, manufacturers can make the best decision for their business and ensure they’re investing in a solution that makes sense in the short and long term. Ultimately, with a little investigation, the question of whether to repair or replace your equipment becomes a much simpler one: “Where will you get the best bang for your buck?”

If you decide to repair your equipment, it pays to work with an industrial repair expert capable of delivering the best value on your investment. You can always count on the professionals at Global Electronic Services. Contact us for all your industrial electronic, servo motor, AC and DC motor, hydraulic, and pneumatic needs — and don’t forget to like and follow us on Facebook!
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